
目前顯示的是 5月, 2015的文章

Deep Learning

Thanks for Dr. Chan's talk on deep learning (DL) today. Personally, I summarized deep learning as 1. Huge input from big data, 2. Better computing model, i.e., GPU or ASIC, for making deeper and deeper neural network possible, and 3. improved init points for training/building the model. (of course, I had asked whether or not my summary is correct.) Deep learning may not be a new idea but an inevitable outcome of the trend. However, people can find some negative comments on this research directions. Mike Jordan, as a master of machine learning area, argued that solution like this model training is in lack of solid theoretical foundation. It is like genetic algorithm, model is trained and tuned but hard to be explained in a good way. However, the applications of deep learning, such as image recognition (used by Google Image, Baidu, Flickr), speech recognition (Siri, Google Now, Baidu), have proved the usability of DL. Research on DL undoubtedly will be going on.


這次環島我在大甲鎮瀾宮時, 外面廣場有約五到七名遊民, 我在進廟前他們在喝酒聊天, 我出來時他們已經要打起來了, 其它的遊民在旁勸架, 我因為肚子太餓, 沒辦法等他們街頭快打起來, 就先去對面街吃蚵仔煎. 吃完回到鎮瀾宮, 發現遊民還在對峙, 二邊都被"納爾遜式鎖"架住, 只能用腳試圖去踢對方, 酒瓶也飛來飛去 (鋁罐無害), 旁邊不遠處還有阿公阿罵在做體操. 我突然想到幾年前法國交換學生來的時候, 問我說"為什麼台灣都沒有酒吧?", 我瞬間解惑了: "一個給大家喝酒, 聊天, 嘴炮, 鬧事, hangouts 的地方", 台灣寺廟 == 歐美酒吧

Taipei 101 登高賽

完賽證明, 花了一小時十一分, 比柯P還慢 (他45分), 對一個平時完全沒有在做有氧運動的人, 其它人可能很難想像我有多掙扎, 在45樓的時候我到了旁邊的醫療區, 醫生幫我量了血壓, 問我說"你的臉平常就那麼白嗎? 你確定你還要爬嗎?", 我說我要爬下去. 感謝一路慢慢陪我爬的同事 Tim, 在中間我撞牆期時, 我告訴他我在成功嶺跑 3000 時就是倒數的, 他和我說"幹嘛和別人比, 和自己比啊", 我才知道我就是沒辦法擺脫別人的眼光, 我不需要和別人比, 之後的幾十層樓我都這樣告訴自己, 即使慢到一秒鐘只能走一階, 我也可以找到自己的節奏把它走完. 最後到達觀景台時, 現場很多人對著出口處的人歡呼和加油, 拿著他們遞來的毛巾, 心裡有一種說不出的感覺, 我終於跨過了自己心裡的一個門檻, good for me.