
目前顯示的是 5月, 2007的文章


只看頭的話覺得差異不是很大 看到身體就嚇到了吧,可以看到他身上有很多抓傷 尾巴也變得很小一條

Our dogs has a hair-do

We have a dog in our family. He is a golden retriever. His hair is very beautiful and so cool. The hair on his neck just makes him look like a lion. His name is A-Kuei (阿貴). He came to our family three years ago. When he just came, he is just a puppy. When I saw him first time, he was very thin and seemed as sick. I don't know why my brother picked him. Most people should choose a strong one. Day by days, he has become a member of our family, and he is the reason that I must go back to Taipei almost every week. Recent days, the temperature in Taipei is very high, and his hair is very long, so it makes him feel extremely hot. So, we decide to cut all his hair off except his head and tail. In the evening, I went to the dog salon to get him back. When I entered the dog salon and saw A-Kuei, I felt surprised and can not believe that he is A-Kuei, because he looked like another dog. I have to say, it is not very good looking, because he is too thin and it makes him look like a hairless ...

Recent days

I think I should write English diary sometimes for practicing my writing ability. If you find any error in my article, please tell me. Recent days, I am busy for my thesis since it is May now. Actually, I am not in luck's way. I found my weakness of my thought. I always want to aggregate all the things I think they are good into my mind map. This is totally wrong because it will blur the major idea of the thesis. The goal of my thesis is to lower down the video server by using P2P techniques, but I think the topic is not very important. In fact, I think many master papers are junks, maybe including mine, because papers in Taiwan are rarely cited by other international universities. We have a regular meeting in Thursday Morning. My advisor and a post doctor always challenge me in the meeting. I usually feel a little depressed after meeting because of being pointed out the mistakes I made. I comfort myself that I just use this topic as a chance to study how to find a problem, organiz...

How to setup SVN server

之前寫的,留在這裡做個備份 先去 Subversion 的網站抓SVN Server 把SVN加入到環境變數PATH中,如C:\Program Files\Subversion\bin\ 選一個目錄,專門用來放許多案子用的,假設為D:\projects 建立你現在要產生的專案repository, 比如要建PostEX專案 svnadmin create d:\projects\PostEX 修改權限檔案 到d:\projects\PostEX\conf裡,修改passwd 在[users]裡,加上你們案子要用的帳號和密碼 如: padsmember = padspassword 修改svnserve.conf,如果你不想讓任意路人甲都可以看到你的程式,在[General]中找到一個anon-access,把它改成none anon-access = none 找到一行 password-db = passwd,把前面的井號去掉,這樣前面修改的passwd檔才會有啟用 啟動SVN Server D:\>svnserve -d -r d:\Projects --listen-port 9000 所有要參與計畫的人,都裝上 TortoiseSVN 建立一個目錄,用來抓SVN Server上已經有寫的程式 (別人可能之前先傳上去的) 做checkout,把URL of repository的protocol改成SVN 如: svn://pads15.cs.nthu.edu.tw:9000/PostEX 幾個主要的功能 checkout剛加入許畫的人,第一次去把檔案抓下來用的 update是已經有checkout的人,後來用來抓SVN Server上更新版用的 commit 是你做了更新後,要send到SVN Server上用的

Beryl ~


Windows -> Ubuntu

這個影片是Windows Vista Aero vs. Ubuntu Beryl的影片,前半段秀aero,後半段秀beryl,我的桌面也和影片後半段的一樣酷了~3D翻轉實在是帥啊!Vista,嫩! 整理一下目前從windows轉換到ubuntu使用的替代品 PCMan -> QTerm 鯨魚輸入法 or 倉頡輸入法-> 倉頡大字集 IE(本來就沒在用) -> FireFox -> 字型調至少12,中文才看得清楚 MSN -> Gaim (Pidgin) outlook(沒在用)-> gmail CuteFTP -> FileZilla -> 記得把encoding調成Big5 Foobar2000 -> BMP or RhythmBox (使用EasyTag,把Big5全改成UTF8即可) Media Player Classic -> VLC or Totem or MPlayer 工作管理員 -> 在面版裡加入 System monitor (系統監查) FlashGet -> 在FireFox安裝FlashGot -> 使用 Downloader for X (D4X) PhotoShopCS -> 本來就只用GIMP CoolEdit -> audacity TotoriseSVN -> RapidSVN Eclipse本來就有for linux Dr.Eye -> 星際譯王 (也有隨選即譯功能) 遠端連線 -> ubuntu裝好就有了 Office -> OpenOffice.org 1. 裝VirtualBox -> 裝WindowsXP & Office (速度很好) 先去 VirtualBox官網 抓for Feisty Fawn的,裝好後把要用的user加入群組 sudo usermod -G vboxusers -a YOUR_USER_NAME 如果以後更新kernel發生問題,執行下面指令 sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup 2. 解決X31在使用beryl & compiz視窗最大化時標題變空白的問題 xorg.conf裡找到顯卡,對照後補上後面幾行 Section ...



My Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty Fawn

搶救windows xp失敗。。。我的ThinkPad裡面現在只剩ubuntu了~還好重要的資料都有做備份,信件也全都改用gmail了。。。


今天和張胖騎車,打算回難齋旁邊的鴨肉麵吃晚餐。從難齋搬到交大這裡也快一年了,好像從來沒有回去難齋那附近看過,昨天半夜聊天剛好聊到在那裡過的日子,今天就興起去看看。食品路說長不長,說短也不短,不到一年的時間,也開/關了不少店,一路騎回去覺得好遠,以前可是要天天騎的路。後來騎到難齋樓下,情不自禁的往我們原本住的地方看了看,真的很好奇這麼破爛的房子還真的找得到人再去住嗎?難齋這個名字可不是隨便取的,當時覺得住在那種地方,加上修那種會死人的課,那種日子就像在受難一樣,叫難齋真是再貼切不過了。想不到,還真的有人住在那裡,而且應該也是沒有裝冷氣,真是太強了。我原本還打算上樓看看,反正樓下的門只要用腳一踢就開了,住過的都知道,可是後來想想,進得了樓梯間也沒什麼意思,又進不去難齋裡面,就算了。 後來鴨肉麵裡面有不少人在喝酒,不想在那麼亂的情況下吃飯,所以還是改吃竹師蓋飯了。當時還住在難齋的時候還滿常去吃竹師蓋飯的,我也還是點了辣味雞丁,我好像從來沒有點過其它的,以前在輔大也是,到輔園幾乎都是吃爪哇咖哩飯,在交大的二餐多多我也都是點泡菜牛丼,我的習慣是吃到了自己覺得好吃的東西,就不太會想去嚐試吃別的東西看看,算是有點守舊的人。 張胖說,明年應該再換個地方住,這樣就會有不同的回憶。我想了想也滿認同的,雖然在難齋的日子真的是痛不欲生,我還記得當時把上衣脫了在寫x86的bootloader,kernel,scheduler...等,還是汗如雨下,那裡真的是一個冬冷夏熱的地方,冬天在房間裡都還要穿外套,夏天直接用電風扇吹頭睡覺都不會感冒,因為根本都是熱風,還要加上超級小氣的房東夫婦...可是現在想想,覺得真是一段難忘的日子,這種感覺就好像在茶餘飯後,有時候無意聊到九二一大地震的時候,每個人都會有自己的一段故事,雖然是個大災難,可是事過境遷後如果沒有什麼太大的損傷,都會覺得當時的日子真是難忘,也可能有點像別人都很愛聊當兵的事吧,大多數的人都覺得當兵很浪費時間,可是我看有當兵的人超愛聊當兵的事的。 可能有人覺得我們把住在難齋自比在當兵及九二一也太誇張了,我只能說只有痛過的人才懂...有看過V怪客的人,你就想成我們住在和 Evey 被關的地方同樣等級的地方...我們已經 No Fear 了啦~~

linux上裝SUN JDK

1.先去sun的網站抓linux的.bin,不要抓有rpm的 2.chmod +x xxxx.bin 3.cd /usr/local 4.mkdir java, cd java 5.在/usr/local/java執行/home/username/xxxx.bin 6.回home dir將jdk的path加到.bashrc,順便設JAVA_HOME 7.如果是root,可以不做第6點,直接到/etc/profile裡加