Recent days

I think I should write English diary sometimes for practicing my writing ability. If you find any error in my article, please tell me.

Recent days, I am busy for my thesis since it is May now. Actually, I am not in luck's way. I found my weakness of my thought. I always want to aggregate all the things I think they are good into my mind map. This is totally wrong because it will blur the major idea of the thesis. The goal of my thesis is to lower down the video server by using P2P techniques, but I think the topic is not very important. In fact, I think many master papers are junks, maybe including mine, because papers in Taiwan are rarely cited by other international universities.

We have a regular meeting in Thursday Morning. My advisor and a post doctor always challenge me in the meeting. I usually feel a little depressed after meeting because of being pointed out the mistakes I made.

I comfort myself that I just use this topic as a chance to study how to find a problem, organize it, and describe it in a paper. In short, I didn't care if my master thesis has value. I just use it as a case study to learn how to do research. So when my train of thought has been corrected by my advisor, I feel a little depressed and a little happy. It is a strange feeling.

It will be June soon. I hope I can graduate successfully...


In my humble opinion, I will write this as following:

I think I should write English diary...
I think I should write a English diary...

writing ability
writing skill

please tell me
please feel free to tell me

Recent days, I am busy for my thesis since it is May now
Recently, I am busy for my thesis since May.

I am not in luck's way.
(I don't understand this one. Could you tell me in Chinese?)

I found my weakness of my thought.
I find a weak part of my thought.

1. I always want to aggregate all the things I think they are good into my mind map.
I always want to get all the new ideas inside me because I think they are good for my mind map.

2. This is totally wrong because it will blur the major idea of the thesis.
I am totally wrong because it blurs the main idea of the thesis.

3. The goal of my thesis is to lower down the video server by using P2P techniques
The goal of my thesis is to lower down the video server loading by using P2P techniques

4. I think many master papers are junks
I think many master's papers are junks

...maybe including mine, because...
...maybe including mine. Because...

6. We have a regular meeting in Thursday Morning.
We have a regular meeting every Thursday Morning.

7. I usually feel a little depressed after meeting because of being pointed out the mistakes I made.
I usually feel a little depressed after meeting because being pointed out the mistakes I made.

8. I comfort myself that I just use this topic as a chance...
I comfort myself that I just take this topic as a chance...

9. ...if my master thesis has value.
...if my master thesis is valuable.

10. So when my train of thought has been corrected by my advisor...
(I don't understand this sentence. Sorry)

11. I hope I can graduate successfully...
I hope I can graduate in time...
in luck's way是我查字典的,表順利的意思,我也不知道這樣寫對不對,找不到好的用詞就照抄了~

So when my train of thought has been corrected by my advisor...

我想寫的是"我的思路被我的指導教授指正","思路"是我查StarDict的,結果我剛發現應該是"the train of thought
Hello Yoshi:

You're welcome.

我記得某一期的商業週刊, Morris Cheng 有說


If so, 好好規劃您將來。

以台灣 MIS/IT 產業來講,面對歐美客戶或工程師的機會有是有,不是很多,至少不比某些下殺低成本製造代工業多。


技術上讓自己的武器多一點,看來您 OS and Embedded 都有涉獵,It's pretty good. Keep going. 有人 UI 跟 Driver 都很強,技術上沒有說一定要在一個範圍。


您的英文應對歐洲人其實已經足夠。非英國歐洲人 speaking and grammar 跟我們半斤八兩,至少我面對瑞典人時是如此。

以我來講,希望將來有外派的因緣,哪裡都可以,這是我會離開台灣 MIS/IT 業的主因,我想去世界各地的工作環境看一看。


如果您是要股票,Bonus, 那就好好觀察那一個可能是下一個連發顆,不過以我淺見,台灣不會有下一個連發顆了。Hope I am wrong.

人生其實不是很長, 祝您在 career 上不會走冤枉路,或有冤枉路也能很快臨機應變。




