今天和姐姐聊到有關V怪客的劇情,我說5th of November是歷史上真的有這件事,但因為我的歷史又很差,根本搞不懂前因後果,所以一點說服力都沒有,於是我Google查了相關的資料,相關的資料不少,我節錄了一個簡單易懂的網站 說明 ,現在這個日子已經成為他們的「營火節」。 In 1605, a person named Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the British Parliament with 36 barrels of gunpowder. He, and his band of fellow conspirators, were caught after one of the group sent a letter to King James of England warning him to stay away from Parliament. Guy Fawkes was imprisoned and eventually put to death for his trouble, although modern British people remember him as "the only man ever to enter Parliament with honest intentions!" Nowadays, the British mark Guy Fawkes' Day (or simply Bonfire Night) by building bonfires and letting off fireworks. Traditionally, children made effigies of Fawkes from old clothes stuffed with newspaper, and display their "Guy" in the streets, asking "Penny for the Guy?", and expecting to receive some money. Guys were then thrown on the bonfire at the height of the celebration...